Inizia un progetto
con il nostro team.
Da sempre lavoriamo al fianco delle aziende per fornire soluzioni per aumentarne il business e migliorarne il brand.
SECTOR: Food and beverage
Bin Caffè is a historic coffee roasting company located in the Italian province of Treviso that supplies cafes and restaurants.
Care and passion are the basis for selecting and processing the best coffee beans, guaranteeing the consumer a high-quality espresso.
Listening to the company’s needs, we developed a marketing strategy that includes posts on social media accounts and sponsorships to increase brand awareness. The social media sponsorships are accompanied by the implementation of Google campaigns.
We also managed the image of the products through photo shoots and the creation of video content.
The work was preceded by a careful study of the corporate image on their profiles to increase the solidity and coherence of the brand. The corporate image analyzed above represents the guide used in managing the visual aspects and image in the presentation of the company.