Inizia un progetto
con il nostro team.
Da sempre lavoriamo al fianco delle aziende per fornire soluzioni per aumentarne il business e migliorarne il brand.
SECTOR: Organizations and services
DFG Ingegneria is a firm with over 30 years of experience in the field of engineering and architecture.
The firm operates in the field of structural engineering whether in reinforced concrete, steel, wood or masonry, with important references also in the field of restoration and prefabrication
To enhance the professionalism and advanced services offered by DFG Ingegneria, a firm specialising in engineering solutions and technical consultancy, Memento deals with:
Through a website with attention to the smallest details, Memento contributes to consolidate DFG Ingegneria’s online presence, offering an effective tool to communicate skills, projects and services to current and potential customers.